To our little one
There is something so special about loving you. From the moment we found out we were expanding our family our lives were changed forever. The second I saw the positive pregnancy test I knew in my heart some of the best days in my life were ahead. From the second your dad found out, his smile never faded.
You are an answer to our prayers. A blessing we thank God for each and every day.
For nine months I held you in my body. When you came earth side, I held you in my arms in awe of God’s greatest creation. You were the perfect blend – 50% of your dad, 50% of me.
And when your dad held you for the first time, my goodness. Remember that smile we talked about? It grew even more the second you stole his heart.
Now I sit here reflecting on the journey of the past nine months and think to myself I can’t believe we get to be your parents. The past nine months have flown by in a blur yet each second is filled with intention and gratitude. Each day your dad and I say how lucky we are to have you in our life and how exciting life has become since you came into the world with grace.
I will never forget how my heart consistently feels like it overflows with love. I could have never expected how much parenthood would fill my soul.
The way you grab onto our fingers, faces and hair – which we now call it the baby death grip – makes us realize how something so small can have such a big impact. We would not change each moment for the world.
Seeing life through your eyes brings joy and light to each situation. Everything is new to you. Your desire to explore, to understand and to use all your senses makes each moment memorable.
From your first sneeze, coo, laugh, roll, step, fall and everything in between, this is just the beginning. It is such an honor being your parents. We can not wait to continue watching you grow through time.
Just remember like we say every night, mommy loves you – daddy loves you – God loves you – and you are the best thing in our life. Never forget that.