These are the best sourdough starter names, hands down! Giving your sourdough starter a name is just one of the many ways to show it you care. So what better way than to show appreciation and affection towards something you pour much love, (and possibly sweat and tears into) then giving your sourdough starter a name?

This list of 200+ of the best sourdough starter names is one of our favorite blogs yet. We teach you a lot of sourdough education on this blog – but this one is a ‘breadwinner’! While we usually write about how making a sourdough starter is one of the best things we ever did for our kitchen (and our overall budget), this blog gives us a good chuckle.
We decided, if this sourdough starter is basically a child – as it needs to be nurtured, fed and put in the perfect climate so it can grow (to feed us), we should give it a name. What better way to engage your friends in family in conversation than to say ‘Oh honey, when we get home I need to feed Dr. Doughlitte’ at the dinner table.
I must say, it was fun to explore different names for sourdough. And the stories people have submitted about their sourdough starter and how it’s name came to be – priceless! Let’s get to the names, shall we?

Punny Sourdough Starter Names
Nothing like a sourdough pun to kick us off. We think these sourdough starter names are funny. They are simply ‘breadtastic!’ 🙂
- Dough Mama
- Puff Daddy
- Dr. Doughlittle
- Yeastus
- Bubbleicious
- Mr. Bubbles
- DoughExotic
- Flourlicious
- Cheaper Buy the Flour
- Ringo Starrter
- Sour Patch Kid
- Carbmaker
- Love Handles
- ADoughable
- Kneady
- Yeastalicious
- Crumby
- Crusty
- Puffy
- Fluffy
- Fizzy
- The Bee’s Kneads
- Dimples
- Honeycomb
- McDoughnalds
- Doughbocop
- Hydrated – aka hydra
- Freshie
- Microbe
- Culture
- Biotic
- Home Slice
- Sour Dough Young
- Sir Rise a Lot
- Sir Breadalot
- Silent but Breadly
- Starter from the bottom (now we here)
- Down with the Starter
- Down Starter
- Pillsbury SourDough Boy
- Mother-dough-rista
- Marg-dough-ritaville
- Howdy Doughy
- Doughkey Pokey
- Dough Ray Me
- Rollin in the Dough
- Play Dough
- Doughbert
- Doughlirious
- Nauti-dough
- Legend-Doughy
- Squirrely Dough
- Hocus Doughcus
- Matildough
- Esmereldough
- Frankendough
- Dough-no-mo
- QuaranTina
- Doughballin
- Fo’sho dough
- Where’s Waldough
- Little Dough Peep
- Little Bread Riding Hood
- Living Proof
- OG
- Child
- The Holy Grail
- Yeasto
- Yeast Mode
- Joan of Starch
- Dough-si-dough (dough-see-dough)
- Cotton eyed Dough
- Rodedough
- Desperadough
- Dough Dough Bird
Sourdough Starter Names Based on Celebrities
Of course we can not forget about word play on celebrities. These are golden and I hope they feel honored!
- Arnold Schwarzenbaker
- Austin Flours
- Bread Pitt
- Bread Sheeran
- Bready White
- Bread Zeppelin
- Breadie Mercury
- Breadny Spears
- Breadoncé
- Breadward Mixerhands
- Bready Krueger
- Bready Zeppelin
- Bun Jovi
- Bread Jovi
- Carrie Breadshaw
- Clint Yeastwood
- David Doughie
- Danny Doughvito
- Dough Biden
- Dough Dirt
- Dough Lene
- SourJoe
- Dough Witherspoon
- Doughy Child (after Destiney’s Child)
- Doughy Parton
- Dougja Boy
- Edgar Allan Dough
- Elon Crust
- Flour and the Machine
- Flour Child
- Hootie and the Doughfish
- Jane Dough
- Jason Doughrulo
- Jennifer Doughpez
- Jon Bon Doughvi
- Kanye Yeast
- Lana Dough Rae
- Madoughna
- Marla Hooch
- Nick Doughnas
- Post Doughlone
- Rhonda Breadstein
- Ringo Starter
- Sir Breadington
- Snoop Dough
- Taylor Sift
- The Sourdough Girls (after The Spice Girls)
- The Yeastie Boys
- Toast Malone
- Vinvant Van Dough
- Yeast Witherspoon
- Betty Wheat

Sourdough Starter – Name Play
These sourdough starter names are all based on name play, along with inspiration from words meaning ‘to rise’ and ‘flourish’. What better way to name your bread than by something it gives back?
- Bertha (aka ‘birth-a loaf of bread’)
- Breadna
- DiscBarb
- Doughlores
- Doughminique
- Doughlene
- Doughreen
- Doughla
- Doughter
- Doughrothy
- Breadleigh
- Breaden
- Barbreada
- Fernandough
- Gertrude
- Eve
- Rye
- SourJoe
- Pete the Wheat Bread
- Brad
- Chad
- Karen
- Leonardough
- Theodough
- Fran (San Francisco sourdough starter)
- Han (After Hannah with Ballerina Farms dried Sourdough Starter)
- Senta – in Latin it means ‘to grow’
- Rose – to ‘rise’
- Flourence – to flourish or bossom
- Abundio – meaning abundance
- Patience
- Hallelujah
Sourdough Names Based on TV / Movie Characters
This list absolutely had me rolling. From Harry Potter Sourdough names, to the office Character puns. Even Disney sourdough names. What a hoot!
Sourdough Starter Names from Marvel Movies
- Captain Doughmerica
- Yondough (based off of Yondu)
- Black Widough
- Iron Mandough
- Spider Mandough
- Doughpool (based off of Deadpool)
Harry Potter Sourdough Starter Names
- Voldoughmort
- GriffenDough
- Sir Gryffindough
- Levidoughsa
- Avada Kedoughvra
- Nymphadoughra Tonks
- Professor Dumbledough
- Albus Dumbledough
Lord of the Rings Sourdough Starter Names
- Bildough Baggins
- Frodough
- My Precious
- Souron
- Froudough Baguettes
The Office Series Sourdough Starter Names
- Pam Breadly
- Doughy Schrute
- Andy Breadnard
- Creed Breadtton
- Michael Sourdough
- Doughy Wallace
StarWars Movies Sourdough Starter Names
- Jaba the Fluff
- Doughbie-wan
- Dough-bi Wan Kenobi
- C3PDough
- R2Dough2
Disney movies Sourdough Starter Names
- Beauty and the Yeast
- Hakuna ma-starter
- Snow Whitebread
- Cindoughrella
- Cruella DoughVille
- Ratadoughy
- Hercuyeast
- Cruella Doughville
Miscellaneous sourdough starter names based on shows
- Walter Wheat (via Breaking Bad)
- Bread Dutton (via Yellowstone)
- Breadward Cullen (via Twilight series)
- Wednesdough Addams
- Crusty Crumb (via Spongebob Squarepants)
- SpongeBob DoughPants (via Spongebob Squarepants)
- Bread Flinstone
- Scooby- Dough
- Optdoughmus Prime
What is your clever name for your sourdough starter? Leave us a comment below so we can be inspired!